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Waterbird Wednesday week 7 - Pink-footed Goose

The Pink-footed Goose (Anser brachyrhynchus) is a winter visitor to the UK which breeds in Iceland, Svalbard and Greenland. They are a medium-sized goose with a wingspan of 135-160cm. The UK wintering population is estimated at around 360'000 birds, which feed in large flocks on arable land throughout the winter.


The Pink-footed Goose is one of many "grey" geese. Overall, they are relatively short-necked, with stubby bills and short pink legs. The bill is dark with a pink band.


An adult has a blue-grey back and wings with dark wingtips and trailing edge. The tail is white with a dark band and white tips. The undersides are pale brown, with dark barring on the flanks. The underwing is dark brown. the head and neck are dark brown. The undertail/vent is white. There is a pinkish tinge to the neck.


Juvenile birds are similar to adults, but the back is brown and the bars on the flanks are missing. the bill's pattern is less distinct, and there isn't a pinkish tinge to the neck.

Similar species

Greylag Goose

Overall less "dumpy" in proportions with a much longer neck and long, heavy bill. Longer more orange legs and orange bill. Head much larger in proportion.


Much browner than Pink-footed with a brown back and more barring on the underside. Head much paler, but still has brown neck.


Darker brown back with a more "scalloped" effect. Paler head and neck, as in adult.

Tundra Bean Goose


Dark brown above, with thicker bill and slightly longer neck. Orange legs.

Taiga bean Goose


Long bill with more orange in pattern. Much longer neck than Pink-footed. Paler head and neck, and larger head. Dark brown above and orange legs.

Greenland White-fronted Goose (ssp flavirostris)

Much longer neck and larger head than Pink-footed Goose. Longer, more orange legs. Large orange bill with no dark patterning. Much more dark patterning on tail.


Dark brown above. Black patches on belly and white on front of head distinctive.

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