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Mallorca day 3 - Sa Barcassa and Can Cuarassa

Due to a bad weather forecast, we wrote off the morning in today's plans. However, there was less rain than expected, and so me and mum headed down to Sa Barcassa, just down the bay from our hotel. We began by checking the estuary, which held 3 adult Audouin's Gulls, 28 Kentish Plover, 1 Dunlin and 1 Little Egret. Not too bad! We then headed on to the main reserve. The first viewing platform was inaccessible, so we headed on. The path was mainly flooded, however, with determination, we found a way to the hide.

I would love to be able to say our efforts to get there were rewarded, but they weren't. From this hide I counted 2 Great Crested Grebe, 2 Shelduck, 5 Mallards and a Cormorant... We hoped the next platform would be better - it was, but only slightly, with 1 Wigeon and 1 Great White Egret.

I was now determined to find something on the reserve. I shed my shoes and socks, and waded across to the main platform (no regrets). From here I spotted 2 White Wagtails, 2 Stonechat, 2 Barn Swallows and several Gadwall and Red Crested Pochards. Unfortunately, I missed a Hoopoe that mum spotted as she walked back to the car when I was on the platform...

We then headed down to Can Picafort for lunch. After a lovely meal we spent some time around the town, and I spotted a Hoopoe and a Red Kite. Driving back up to our hotel, I spotted another two Hoopoes from the car.

After, me and mum went up to Can Cuarassa. There was no sign of yesterday's Marbled Ducks, but a group of Crag Martins came in to feed over the marsh. As we left, a swift sp. flew north over the marsh.

We then went back to the hotel. From the hotel hide in the evening I saw singles of Kingfisher, Marsh Harrier, Marbled Duck (ringed but never came out of the water enough to read), Black-crowned Night Heron (1st-winter flew over heading towards the egret roost), and Sardinian Warbler. Lots of Water Rails could be heard squealing in the reedbeds.

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