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Mallorca day 5 - Can Cuarassa and Sa Barcassa

With high winds and some rain forecast, we decided to stay local today. We let ourselves lie in after several early mornings, but when we opened the blinds at 9am it was bright and sunny outside! After breakfast we headed down the coast to Sa Barcassa, an area at the south end of the S'Albufereta reserve. At the estuary at the start of the reserve there were two Audouin's Gulls and a Mediterranean Gull, as well as a Common Sandpiper, a Greenshank and three Kentish Plovers. A Raven flew over as we walked from here to the first viewing tower - from the tower we could see two Red Crested Pochards and a Grey Heron. Also, a pale phase Booted Eagle flew over - a stunning bird and my first of the species.

From the new hide overlooking the pool we saw a Redshank, an Avocet, two Greenshanks, two Kentish Plovers and two Common Sandpipers. There were also two Whimbrels on the central island - another first for me. As we left we saw a Pied Flycatcher in the pine trees near the car parking area.

From here we went back to the hotel where we had lunch and a short siesta before heading up the coast to Can Cuarassa. There was a large number of hirundines feeding here, in particular House Martins. There were also two 'Iberian' Yellow Wagtails present, as well as two Common Sandpipers. A number of waders were on the two main pools, on one pool being a Greenshank and five Green Sandpipers with two Little Ringed Plovers and two Black-winged Stilts. The second pool, to my surprise (and delight!) contained two Curlew Sandpipers, not the first of the trip but a big target bird and a great bird to find completely independently.

From here we went back to Sa Barcassa to see if anything new was about there. The Greenshanks and Common Sandpipers were still about - we also saw two Red Legged Partridge and a Cattle Egret flew over. There were a number of Corn Buntings singing around the reserve. However the highlight was a group of five Black Terns that were flying over the marsh quite a distance away - another new bird for me. After this I went back to the hotel happy - let's hope for more fab birds tomorrow!

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